For Stewards of an Emerging World
Messengers of an Evolving Culture
A Shared Cultural Practice for Humanity
Keepers of the Turn is a global initiative to seed a shared cultural practice available to every person on the planet where you discover and claim your gift or gifts that contribute to a good, loving and creative world. However simple or grand your gift may be. It could be that you just have a smile for everyone you meet or it could be that you are working on a solution for an intractable problem in society. We each take our place in the grand scheme of loving, good and creative world. We claim and declare our keepership. We open ourselves to receive the deep gratitude and honor from others that it richly deserves. This is beautiful practice is for everyone that transcends all levels of separation. To learn more: keepersoftheturn.com
The Keepers Council currently is seeding this practice and is offering a 14-day retreat in Costa Rica in March 2020. It is for those who are ready to explore the Path of the Keeper and ready to experience profound personal growth towards their fuller potential. To learn more: sayyesandrise.com
Keepers of the Turn
A Turn from Apathy to Hope,
Separation to Unity,
Fear to Love
If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear, people who can open to the web of life, and who can rest in the vitality of that larger body.” - Joanna Macy
Joanna Macy, a well-known writer, teacher, and activist speaks to the "Great Turn" as a societal shift now underway as we move from an industrial growth society to a more sustainable civilization. Macy describes it as the third major revolution of human existence after the agricultural and industrial revolutions.
“The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on Earth,” says Joanna Macy, “Is not that we are on a path to destroy the world. The remarkable feature is that we are beginning to wake up, as if from a long sleep, to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves and each other.” The "Great Turn" ultimately calls us to take part in this “great adventure” blazing a path toward a more life-sustaining world.
Keepers of the Turn as a shared cultural practice for humanity answers the call to the essential adventure as we each participate in the development of a kinder and more sustainable civilization.
Keepers of the Turn come alive with self-empowerment, passion and purpose in ways small and large - blazing the path with love and joy, transcending forms of separation that bring us together into closer union as the family of humanity and as a family of sentient life on this planet.
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.
- Howard Thurman
Keepers of the Turn are defined neither by generation, geography, political credo nor by a religious creed. Anyone with passion and deep commitment to something that is loving, good and creative is a Keeper of the Turn, a harbinger of an emerging culture. We lead by example, we lead with love and joy.
Keepers of the Turn hold a shared cultural practice for the family of humanity. A practice that creates pride, honor, commitment and sacred relationship with what an individual is passionate about and has a sacred relationship to. All “Keepers” hold a sacred, revered position within the Family of Humanity. For example, one could be something as simple as a "Keeper of Kindness" or as far-reaching as a "Keeper of World Peace". There are "Keepers of Family" "Keepers of Elders" "Keepers of Trees" "Keepers of Bees" "Keepers of Seeds" "Keepers of Water" "Keepers of Prayer" "Keepers of Death and Dying" and so on.
God calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet - Fredrick Buechner
Each Keeper of the Turn holds sacred wisdom or a special commitment that other community members may not and as a Family of Humanity, we honor them for that commitment and we seek their wisdom.
This practice is aligned with what took place at Standing Rock to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. The indigenous and general population came together to protect the water. Together, they are "Keepers of the Water" as they continue to stand united in prayer and commitment to protecting our waterways for future generations. This practice is also aligned with the recent Women's March's. In January 2018 it is estimated 4.5 million women and men from 800 cities around the world marched for equality and so much more as "Keepers of Right Relations", There is an uprising of unity and shared purpose in our midst.
There is no hierarchy. A strong leader and lifelong activist that is a “Keeper of the Water” is just as important and valuable as a “Keeper of the Water” with a part-time effort. They reinforce and support each other in whatever action they take. Small and large groups may be formed to support each other in their passion, devotion, and guardianship.
This shared cultural practice creates an opportunity to bring families together for a shared purpose. Grandparents and parents can pass their "Keepers" passion and wisdom down to children and grandchildren. In Indigenous tribes, there are 18th generation Pipe Keepers!
We recognize that we are in a time of Awakening to a new mindset, a positive, expanded worldview, and yes, a higher level consciousness for humanity.
"Keepers" are guided by a cosmic pulse of awakening - a new consciousness!
As a Keeper of the Turn, you can be an inspiration to others as you move into your passion, mastery and meaningful action with love and compassion. Together we can bring forth yet one more miracle of nature - humanity's potential realized.
Will you be one of the first to seed this practice as a means of unifying humanity beyond organizations and movements and other divisions?
Socially, the next great step in human evolution is the emergence of a unified and sustainable global society. Psychologically, the next step is to free our behavior from the dictates of our biological and cultural past, so that we can do that which is necessary for future evolutionary success. The organization of a cooperative global society is an urgent priority. With it, the threats of world war and global warming can be easily managed. Without it, human civilization may end this century. From the "Evolutionary Manifesto" by John Stewart
Learn more at keepersoftheturn.com